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Home Forums Egyéb Scene Témák Partyk & Egyéb találkozók Vintage Computer Festival Europe 2015

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  • #27727

    Hello everyone!
    First, my appologies for writing this on English, as I unfortunately don’t know Hungarian. As a result of that, this post may be in a totaly wrong section, and sorry for that too if I missed.

    To introduce myself, my name is Zarko, I’m an assistant professor at Faculty of technical sciences in Novi Sad, Serbia and a collector of old computers.

    In May this year I have been to Vintage Computer Festival Europe in Munich (http://www.vcfe.org/E/) and have met the organisers. Next year, the main theme would be computers from east Europe and I have promised them that I would try to find someone from countries around Serbia, willing to go to Minuch next year.

    Anyhow, I found this site and I wanted to ask is there maybe someone interested in something like VCFe? If yes, you can contact Hans Franke at Org@vcfe.org. If not, maybe you know someone who would be interested? I don’t know much about Hungarian old computers, but if someone does, and is willing to come, please contact VCFe team.

    Again, sorry if this is in a wrong section and if this isn’t appropriate on this site.

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