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Mona Lisa 250 byte-ban, 8 biten

Írta Murphy - 2014-04-29, 12:38

250 byteban egy Atari XL-en hogyan rajzolj Mona Lisát? Így!

Mindez hogy lehetséges? Ilmenit a poueten elárulta.

“There are 64 pseudo random brush strokes of cycling color. Each stroke is shorter than previous to increase details. Intro code generates set of random numbers starting from initial 32bit seed with Galois LFSRs as a PRNG. This set is used to control direction of brush movement and and starting position. Each stroke has initial 16bit value that influences the seed. Therefore data is 4 bytes (initial seed) + 64*2 bytes of stroke PRNG seeds. Picture of Mona Lisa (3072 bytes) was compressed to those random brush strokes by external optimization program (a few days of work for modern CPU/GPU combo). The process can be seen as lossy compression (23x) of picture into random brush movements.”

Ha saját gépen is viszont látnád a Mona Lisa-át, innen tudod letölteni.

One Response so far.

  1. avatar rascy says:

    Ááá, biztos kamu :)

    Szerintem ez a kép alapból benne van az Atariban, mert a readme-ben írja is, hogy “This intro uses undocumented memory locations of Atari XL OS Revision 2.”

    Kíváncsi lennék másik képpel hogy nézne ki.

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